6 Simple Habits That Make Donald Trump Successful


Donald Trump has certainly been in the news lately. The man appears to lead a charmed life. He has managed to be successful in business and then in the media. He enjoys the company of supermodel quality girls decades younger than him and has promising children too. Now he seems to be performing well in politics under difficult conditions, and may be in the running for being the most powerful man in the world. Continue reading “6 Simple Habits That Make Donald Trump Successful”

5 Things John Lennon Should Have Imagined About A World With Virtual Reality


It appears that 2016 will be the year that virtual reality (VR) will start to matter in the mainstream. Both Sony PlayStationVR and the much talked about Occulus Rift headsets are planned to be unleashed on the consumer market in the first half of the year. It remains to be seen how much actual content there will be initially, but once the hardware is released we can expect it to flow more and more rapidly. Continue reading “5 Things John Lennon Should Have Imagined About A World With Virtual Reality”

10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter


Once a man can see and deal with the bad side of modern girls himself, the next question is obvious. How does he prevent or limit the infestation in his own family? How does he produce the better kind of daughters that are now so tragically rare?

The first thing to realize is that remaining silent and hoping things will work out is really just surrender. Perhaps there was a time in the past when most of the messages your daughter received in the outside world would have been positive and things might have worked themselves out. That is certainly not true today. Continue reading “10 Things You Must Teach Your Future Daughter”

8 Reasons It Doesn’t Get Better For Homosexual Men


For those who are not keeping up with the full range of leftist lies, the It Gets Better Project exists to promote homosexual and other deviant sexual behavior. It focuses on spinning the outright lie to children that some kind of rosy future awaits if they decide to reject a clean, healthy, and functional, girl-chasing sex life in favor of other sexual paths. Continue reading “8 Reasons It Doesn’t Get Better For Homosexual Men”

5 Questions To Identify Who Really Rules Over You


In a perfect world there would be no favored groups. Each man would be treated as he deserves based on his ability. Anyone demanding special treatment based on some kind of group identity would simply find that rules and standards are impartial and fair to all.

Of course, we don’t live in a perfect world. Often membership of an identity group confers systematic preferences either explicitly or in practice, as if just by accident or by chance. Of course, these things are not just accidental, they occur because of differing political power or sentiment. They occur because that group is in some sense a ruling group.

Continue reading “5 Questions To Identify Who Really Rules Over You”

Why Able Men Should Cheer Every Job Eliminated By Technology


It is common to hear in the media or in casual conversation stories about jobs being eliminated or destroyed by technology. This process is almost always seen in a negative light, as a destructive or tragic thing to happen to the country and its people. Instead the sensible response is to cheer every such announcement. Every time this happens, it is a sign of growing prosperity and economic advancement. Continue reading “Why Able Men Should Cheer Every Job Eliminated By Technology”

Forbes Confirms Men Still Create The Vast Majority Of Personal Wealth

Wealth building

From news to movies to documentaries to education, there is a constant drumbeat. Girls are now the equal of men as movers and shakers in the world. Girls are beating boys at school, a majority at university and touted as being the equal or superiors of men at making money. Lately the tempo seems to have increased. Some are even starting to claim that men are obsolete.

Most of these claims rest on a comparison of the sexes abilities at money making. However, the aim of any activity in the world of money is not to be working or to be in business or to be getting qualifications. The aim is to make money, to create wealth. Continue reading “Forbes Confirms Men Still Create The Vast Majority Of Personal Wealth”

Dancing With The Obese In Australia

ForceM6970 edit
Crouching tiger, hidden nothing
Image:Toby Burrows

Australia is a wonderful country. Here we have the biggest of everything. Ayres Rock is the biggest rock. The Great Barrier Reef is the biggest reef. Our kangaroos are surely bigger than any rabbit. We must have more useless desert than any other nation too. The country was even founded as the world’s largest open air jail. Now it seems the dancers are bigger too. Sydney dance company Force Majeure has topped everything with their production of Nothing To Lose. In their own words the show aims to answer the question which was on all our minds:

What does it mean when you put really big bodies on stage and call them professional dancers? Continue reading “Dancing With The Obese In Australia”

4 Steps For Fighting Divorce Rape

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This article assumes that you face a breakup, see signs of a breakup in the future, or have realized that you wish to break up with a girl who has the opportunity to legally pursue asset settlements, child support, or child custody processes against you. Every situation is different, of course, and requires different tactics. Different jurisdictions, family structures, financial circumstances and personal preferences lead to different issues and different outcomes. The point of this article is not to detail specific tactics to use but to set the tone and mentally prepare for what may be a coming battle. Continue reading “4 Steps For Fighting Divorce Rape”